
IYG is proud to provide a listing of resources available to LGBTQ+ young people and supportive adults.
Organizations listed below are trusted community partners.
Suicide Prevention.
Especially for Youth (Under 25)
*All hours are Eastern Standard Time.
Free and confidential peer support for LGBTQ+ (and questioning) individuals who are 25 and younger.
Nationwide hotline for suicide prevention.
For crisis and non-crisis support. 100% operated by trans-identifying individuals for trans-identifying or questioning individuals.
National crisis intervention and suicide hotline for LGBTQ+ identified individuals.
Indiana Legal Services: LGBT Law Project
In uncertain times, it’s important to remember that we keep each other safe. No matter what happens, IYG is here to support you as part of a strong and resilient community.
We’ve created a Post-Election Safety Guide with actionable steps to help you navigate these times. From tips to help you plan ahead to mental health resources, this guide is here to help empower and protect you.
The road ahead may be difficult, but we will face it together, grounded in the strength of community and mutual care.

Adult & Child Health welcomes all patients regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, age, or sexual orientation. What drives the mission behind Adult & Child is the incredible compassion of our team. Adult & Child’s impact resounds throughout Central Indiana with teams in Marion, Johnson, Bartholomew, Morgan, and surrounding counties.
Founded in 1987, Damien Center is Indiana’s oldest and largest AIDS service organization (ASO) and serves more than 4,000 individuals affected and infected by HIV/AIDS through a comprehensive, innovative approach to HIV care and prevention.

In uncertain times, it’s important to remember that we keep each other safe. No matter what happens, IYG is here to support you as part of a strong and resilient community.
We’ve created a Post-Election Safety Guide with actionable steps to help you navigate these times. From tips to help you plan ahead to mental health resources, this guide is here to help empower and protect you.
The road ahead may be difficult, but we will face it together, grounded in the strength of community and mutual care.

Eskenazi Transgender Health Services
The Eskenazi Gender Health Program provides primary care for older adolescent and adult transgender patients of all gender identities. The first of its kind in Indiana, The Gender Health Program is designed to fill a void by providing high-quality, care and support for gender-diverse populations in Indiana and surrounding areas.
GenderNexus empowers gender-diverse folks and their loved ones to live healthy, authentic, and joyful lives by providing services, support, resources, and community without charge.
The Gender Health Program offers comprehensive support to children, teens, and young adults.

Handbook of Help is an online directory available to those who may be at risk or experiencing homelessness.
Stopover’s primary focus is providing a safe and secure environment in which youth and families can begin to work through a process of reconciliation and reunification. The mission of Stopover recognizes the natural desire and best interest of adolescent youth to maintain family relationships even as they seek independence. Stopover is actively involved in helping program participants identify and connect with adults who are appropriate in supporting their quest for independence and self sufficiency.
Access line for individuals 18-24 years of age experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity to enroll in the Housing Priority Placement list for improved access to housing programs. No immediate placements or shelter referrals available. Individuals must call to schedule an appointment for a housing assessment. Call: 1-317-699-1994.

Founded in 1975, The Julian Center is the largest organization supporting victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other life crises in Indiana. We touch the lives of over 6,000 Hoosier survivors each year and empower them to recover and build a life for themselves and their families absent of abuse.